The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on the Rights Contained in the Iraqi Constitution

“An Analytical Study”


  • أ .م. رؤى علي عطية Middle Technical University/Administrative Technical College /Baghdad Author
  • أ. د. اشرف رمال Lebanese University / Faculty of Law Author



artificial intelligence, robot, legal nature



Artificial intelligence techniques are one of the most prominent science in the era of digital technology and even one of the most beautiful, because of its important features and characteristics that made it the focus of the attention of the whole world because of the important applications that were invented that facilitate the daily life of citizens and countries, as in the robot industry and digital and electronic platforms that sometimes work automatically as a result of programming, manufacturing, the ability to machine learning and high prediction, for example, smart applications on phones,  Electronic payment operations , traffic and drone organization , face recognition applications , And many other technologies adopted by even government institutions to facilitate work  

Thus, it has become a challenge for countries in the field of enacting laws at various levels to protect citizens, protect the state and prevent abuse in the use of artificial intelligence techniques so as to pollute or desecrate the rights and freedoms contained in the constitutions in general and the Iraqi constitution in particular. The legal weakness to meet the challenges increases doubts about the ability to protect the data and personal freedoms of the citizen, in addition to determining the legal responsibility for the harmful acts of artificial intelligence applications and techniques who is responsible for them, and that this rivalry and divergence between artificial intelligence and the law and its weakness on its part arranges the wheel of technical development in the field of artificial intelligence. With the technological development, the need has emerged to exist and create a new legal framework to regulate technical life and requires keeping pace with legal legislation worldwide, as there is no legal legislative system in Iraq to protect

The user of artificial intelligence techniques or the victim of artificial intelligence techniques and ways to compensate him.


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