The impact of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19) on the application of international law
pandemic, human rights, quarantine, international law, World Health Organization, internal legislationAbstract
Human rights were and still are the most affected in times of wars, conflicts, natural disasters and various emergencies throughout history, and due to the emergence of the new Corona virus (Covid-19) there was a rapid need to confront this virus effectively to save people's lives as well as protect Their rights, and with the emergence of this epidemic, the World Health Organization and most countries took decisions and measures with the aim of confronting this epidemic. Economic, political and social in most countries of the world. International law and all international agreements, declarations and international charters, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the United Nations in 1948 stipulate and emphasize the protection of human rights in natural and abnormal conditions, including Global diseases and epidemics, the latest of which is the Corona 19 epidemic, and that international law confirms that all measures taken in the face of this epidemic must not violate any of the internationally protected human rights.
The emergence of the Corona virus was considered one of the phenomena that require analysis and study in order to understand its political, legal, economic, social and security repercussions. In our research, we will focus on the political and legal dimension of all the measures taken by countries in light of the Corona epidemic, including quarantine measures and the violations of human rights that accompanied these measures, as part of the state’s duties to protect global health, especially since many countries have It witnessed a significant increase in the number of infections, especially with the continuation of the epidemic, as well as the emergence of new waves of the epidemic from time to time, which increases the fears of continuing the closure and quarantine procedures in order to control the new strains of the virus, but as it is known that human rights have been subjected to violations Multiple forms during quarantine procedures, and since international law obliges states and their governments to protect all human rights and in all circumstances, because human rights are protected, whatever the
circumstances. They are at risk or violated, whatever the circumstances, but in fact we see that most of these rights have been violated during quarantine procedures in light of the Corona epidemic. And accordingly, we try to show the extent of the legitimacy of all the measures taken These countries during this period, as well as knowing the extent of violations of human rights during the epidemic period, with the aim of creating a state of balance between the human right to health and other rights guaranteed by international law
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