Russia's geopolitical predicament and the intellectual propositions of Alexander Dugin addressing it


  • أ.د سرمد عبد الستار أمين AL-Iraqiya University – College of Law and Political Science Author
  • حنين جاسم علي AL-Iraqiya University – College of Law and Political Science Author



geopolitics, geopolitical impasse, Alexander Dugin, new Eurasianism, the fourth political theory


Since his arrival to power in Russia, Vladimir Putin and the other decisionmakers has been planning for regaining the Russian international prestige. This vision has been guided by Russian thinkers who theorize the possibility of dealing with the geopolitical crises of the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union (SU) and the shifting to the unipolarity led by the United States (US). The vacuum of post-SU era resulted in regional and international competitions due to the strategic traits of the Eurasian region and its peripheries. This study aims to explore the causal relationship between place and politics.


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Author Biographies

  • أ.د سرمد عبد الستار أمين , AL-Iraqiya University – College of Law and Political Science

    PhD Professor of strategy and international politics

  • حنين جاسم علي , AL-Iraqiya University – College of Law and Political Science

    Master's student in international studies


المصادر العربية

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