The authority of the state orders and the echanism of their implementation((Comparative study))


  • الباحثة: راويه نعمان عباس Islamic University in Lebanon-the Faculty of Law Author
  • أ.د. مروان القطب Islamic University in Lebanon-the Faculty of Law Author



الأوامر الولائية , القضاء المستعجل , وقف التنفيذ , السلطات , الحجية , القرار , الجدية , الاستعجال


The administrative decision is binding upon those against whom it was promulgated, and the administration has the authority to implement it without resorting to the judicature [in accordance with the law] and without inflicting harm to the stake holders, because the decision does not apply to those stake holders unless they become aware of it through the legally-established means of awareness.
 When individuals lodge an appeal for the annulment of administrative decisions before the [qualitatively and spatially] competent administrative courts, this does not lead to staying the execution of the administrative decision, and the administration can decelerate the implementation of the administrative decision or implement it on its own responsibility. The purposeful cause for this, is that the administration’s activity would not be interrupted and its desired goals [in achieving the public interest] would not be fell short through appealing its administrative decisions, and thus the appeal for the annulment does not thwart the implementation of the administrative decision basically.
 However, the nature of the order of commitment is the opposite, as it is an order or a temporary administrative procedure promulgated, by the judge who considers the case before him/ her, in the cases and conditions [legally] stated on the petition [submitted by one of the opposing parties] that encompasses facts and evidence and supported by supporting documents about an urgent matter whose effects cannot be remedied if the administration continues to implement it and moves forward towards validating it.


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