Climate Change and Armed Conflict  Address in International Humanitarian Law (Conflict in Darfur as a Model)


  • أ.د عبدالأمير عبدالحسن إبراهيم Al-Salam University College Author



Climate change, Armed conflicts, humanitarian international law, Illegal immigration.


This research paper seeks to adapt the nature of the relationship between climate change and armed conflicts and to determine the extent to which international humanitarian law responds to protecting elements of the environment from its effects as a civilian entity that needs protection from the actions of civil and military state institutions before, during and after the end of military processes.
    Climate change has repercussions that include increased illegal immigration, the depletion of the resources of host communities, the acceleration of arms competition, and the outbreak of local and international conflicts.
  Climate change contributes to an increase in armed conflicts, which often occur through indirect paths, making the most vulnerable groups more vulnerable to danger, as they are forced to flee their countries due to the outbreak of conflicts and feel the effects of climate change on the circumstances of their life.
International humanitarian law has responded to addressing these effects by putting forward initiatives, embodied by the International Committee of the Red Cross updating the guidelines in 2020 on protecting the natural environment in armed conflicts, and the International Law Commission presenting in 2022, to the United Nations General Assembly, draft principles on environmental protection About armed conflicts.
In examining the case of the conflict in Darfur in Sudan, the series of events showed that systemic issues such as poverty, increased societal vulnerability to climate change, and armed conflicts contribute to environmental damage and degradation.
The effects of climate change have become more evident in their environmental impacts. They will have an increasingly destabilizing effect on societies in different parts of the world, as climate change can make the environmental situation vulnerable to turning into humanitarian and security crises.



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