The position of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries regarding sanctions against Iran
International relations, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Iranian nuclear program, the United States of America, the Arabian Gulf, the Iranian nuclear agreement, the Russian and Chinese roleAbstract
Iranian-Gulf relations have been affected by the will of international powers that have interests in the region, and which some countries in the region, such as Iran, find to be harming the interests of the countries of the region, and therefore these policies cannot be dealt with positively, which made Iran targeted by the United States of America, and with the latter’s influence on the GCC countries. Gulf Cooperation: Iranian-Gulf relations were negatively affected, and therefore these relations were not stable. They went through periods of rapprochement and others of divergence and tension, and the latest events that some Arab countries witnessed and are still witnessing had a significant impact on Iran’s relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, especially the events in Syria and the nuclear program. Iranian
The Iranian nuclear program is one of the most prominent issues in the international arena, in light of Iran’s insistence on completing it in various ways, and according to international changes, it was subjected to widespread pressure from the American side by imposing packages of sanctions, which have continued to this day. Iran has turned to Russia and China to gain support in Developing its nuclear activities, and by virtue of the common interests that bind them, Iran received great support from the latter two countries in all fields, leading to the final agreement in 2015, Regarding the emphasis on the peacefulness of these activities, in addition to lifting all restrictions represented by previous sanctions in accordance with Security Council resolutions, the supportive Russian and Chinese role in this regard has emerged, especially after the United States’ withdrawal from the agreement in 2018, and unilaterally imposing sanctions on Iran without international authorization, However, the Russians and Chinese officially announced their continued support for Iran, given that the previous agreement achieved great success in controlling Iran's nuclear capabilities, especially since the agreement was signed in accordance with international consensus.
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