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No. 11 (2021): Issue No. 11 - Jul.
No. 11 (2021): Issue No. 11 - Jul.
Full Issue
العدد الحادي عشر الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
الباحث احمد رياض فياض.
أستاذ دكتور بشير جمعة عبد الجبار, الباحث احمد رياض فياض. (Author)
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Weighting between the conflicting evidence
أستاذ مساعد دكتور نبأ محمد عبد (Author)
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Custom and its impact on deriving the legal ruling
مدرس دكتور كاظم حمادي يوسف, مدرس دكتور صدام بدن رحيمة. (Author)
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Introducing the duty of bank managers to manage the risks of credit operations
مدرس دكتور رعد هاشم امين, الباحثة رحاب رمزي رضا (Author)
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The Abstractive civil commitment - a study in the Iraqi and Egyptian civil laws
مدرس دكتور نورس عباس العبودي (Author)
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The legitimacy of the provincial councils that are not organized in a region - a constitutional study
دكتور عدي طلال محمود (Author)
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The phenomenon of beggary and the policies of confrontation in the Iraqi legislation
دكتور كاظم عبد الله نزال (Author)
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The Rulings of the ambiguous answers of the opponents in the civil interrogation
المدرس عقيل مجيد طه (Author)
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The role of criminal’s provision in criminalizing the drug phenomenon in Iraq
المدرس شذى فلاح حسن (Author)
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The civil aspects of the status of the victim in the criminal case - a comparative study
مدرس دكتور اكرام هادي محيسن (Author)
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The character of the employee as an aggravating circumstance in theft crime - a comparative study
مدرس دكتور ضحى حسن فليح (Author)
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The suspended wife - a comparative study between the Islamic Sharia and law
مدرس مساعد أحمد برهان الدين عبد الرحمن (Author)
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Arrangement of Iraqi national security in the light of regional and international tensions
أستاذ مساعد دكتور سالم مطر عبد الله (Author)
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Peaceful coexistence in Iraq after 2003
أستاذ مساعد دكتور بدرية صالح عبد الله. (Author)
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The Gulf-Qatar Crisis - Dimensions and Results
أستاذ مساعد دكتور سليم كاطع علي (Author)
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The impact of the general social movement on the Iraqi political field after the demonstrations of November 25, 2019
استاذ مساعد دكتور أيمن أحمد محمد (Author)
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Iraqi National Security in light of cyber penetration - information security
الباحثة نور علي صكب (Author)
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The Israeli war on Gaza
مجموعة من الباحثين العرب (Author)
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