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No. 12 (2021): Issue No. 12 - Oct.
No. 12 (2021): Issue No. 12 - Oct.
Full Issue
العدد الثاني عشر الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
Introducing the Wetlands and the International agreement concerned with their protection
أستاذ دكتور هديل صالح عبود, الباحثة ريا عبد الستار عبد الوهاب (Author)
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The Legal Nature of the Internal Water in light of the rules of the International Law
أستاذ مساعد دكتور حسام حميد شهاب (Author)
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The possibility of applying the idea of transforming the administrative decision into the administrative contract
أستاذ مساعد دكتور علياء غازي موسى (Author)
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The Execution of the commitment of the telecommunications company to be listed in the stock market - Asia Cell Company as a model
أستاذ مساعد دكتور اسراء خضر العبيدي, الباحث ديار حمود علي (Author)
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The Revocation of nationality - an analytical study in the light of the Iraqi nationality laws
أستاذ مساعد دكتور حسن نعمه الياسري (Author)
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The impact of the quarantine in facing up the Corona Pandemic on human rights - women and people with disabilities
مدرس دكتور غسان صبري كاطع. (Author)
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The External interference in international law and its impact on the international peace and security - Iraq as a model
دكتورة منال فنجان (Author)
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The problematic of the compulsory licensing to exploit the new agricultural variety - a comparative legal study in the light of the Iraqi Agricultural Varieties Registration, Approval and Protection Law No. 15 of 2013 and the UPOV Agreement
مدرس محمد مجيد كريم الابراهيمي (Author)
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Confronting the discourse of incitement to terrorism in social media in the perspective of the International law
مدرس فراس نعيم جاسم (Author)
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The Civil liability for the outrageous damage to neighborhood
مدرس مساعد حسن عباس جمال العبيدي. (Author)
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حروب الجيل الرابع في عالم متغير – السياسة الأمريكية في الشرق الأوسط انموذجا
– أستاذ دكتور عبد الصمد سعدون عبد الله, مدرس دكتور ياسر خالد عبد. (Author)
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The development of the concept of democracy in contemporary Western thought
أستاذ مساعد دكتور رنا مولود شاكر (Author)
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Popular protests in Iraq and Lebanon - a comparative study
أستاذ مساعد دكتورة نادية فاضل عباس (Author)
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The strategy of the Iraqi state between the inputs of the value reality and building the state
أستاذ مساعد دكتورة نغم نذير شكر. (Author)
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The future of minorities in Iraq - an examination of the challenges of reality and policies of future empowerment
Lecturer Dr. Khalaf Saleh Ali مدرس دكتور خلف صالح علي (Author)
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Penal Responsibility Arising rom Media Blackmail
Assist, Prof. Dr. Moaamer Khalid, Assist, Prof. Dr. Oday Tulfah Mohammed Aldoury (Author)
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Iraq’s democracy: Its past, the present and the future
Fouad jabir kadhem, Ahmed khudhair abba (Author)
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