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No. 16 (2022): Issue No. 16 - Jul.
No. 16 (2022): Issue No. 16 - Jul.
Full Issue
العدد السادس عشر الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
- Insurance risk change
أستاذ مساعد دكتور حامد غائب سعيد (Author)
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Car lease contract in Iraqi law
أستاذ مساعد حيدر حسن هادي اللامي. (Author)
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The role of the United Nations Development Program in the reconstruction of the affected areas
دكتور رقيب محمد جاسم الحماوي. (Author)
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Scope of work of the investigation committee - a comparative study
مدرس دكتوره اكرام جبر حسن (Author)
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Tax evasion
مدرس دكتوره صبا فاروق خضر (Author)
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The constitutionality of the legislative correction
مدرس دكتوره فرح جهاد عبد السلام (Author)
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Deviation of the administrative authority to achieve political purposes - a comparative study
دكتور وسام رزاق فليح الزيدي (Author)
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The impact of public order on the applicable law regarding the dissolution of the marital bond - a comparative study
مدرس باسم ذهيب خلف (Author)
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- The importance of citizenship in strengthening the tax relationship and the role of the agencies responsible for its development, with reference to the experience in Iraq
مدرس دكتور عمار ياسين كاظم (Author)
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The concept of the market maker and its legal and procedural conditions in the stock market - a comparative study
مدرس مساعد رغد ثابت عبد العزيز (Author)
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The role of the military factor in activating the external role of Turkey
أستاذ دكتور سرمد عبد الستار أمين (Author)
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Dimensions of the American strategy in the Indo-Pacific region
أستاذ دكتور إبراهيم حردان , الباحثة رند وضاح طاهر (Author)
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- The political causes and consequences of electoral violence in Africa south of the desert
أستاذ مساعد دكتور جمال طه علي (Author)
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The social gender between the secular and Islamic discourses
أستاذ مساعد دكتوره بشرى حسين صالح (Author)
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The legal system of permanent neutrality and its role in securing peace, security and development - a political philosophical approach on the possibility of applying it to the Republic of Iraq
دكتور محمد طعمه جوده (Author)
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