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No. 17 (2022): Issue No. 17- Oct.
No. 17 (2022): Issue No. 17- Oct.
The exception in the agency on behalf relatives between the civil and criminal cases
استاذ مساعد دكتور قاسم تركي عواد (Author)
Criminal penal liability for claiming disability according to the Special Needs Care Act - Analytical study
أستاذ مساعد دكتور عقيل عزيز عوده (Author)
pdf (Arabic)
Criminal protection of food from contamination and its economic effects
أستاذ مساعد دكتوره زمن حامد هادي مدرس حسين علاء عبد الصاحب (Author)
pdf (Arabic)
Smart contracts - a comparative analytical study
أستاذ مساعد دكتور عبد الرزاق أحمد محمد الباحث فارس ناظم عبد (Author)
pdf (Arabic)
Bioethics in international law
مدرس دكتوره حوراء قاسم لفته (Author)
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The demise of the interest and its impact on the proceeding in the annulment lawsuit - a comparative study
مدرس دكتور يوسف خليل إبراهيم (Author)
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Compensation for professional damages on the basis of civil liability - a comparative study -
مدرس سوسن سعد الجبار (Author)
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Regulating the right to health in national laws and international rules
مدرس علا عبد العزيز محمد المدني (Author)
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The legitimacy of the governor’s authority in managing the teaching and educational activity - an analytical study in light of the second and third amendment to the Law of the Governorates that are not organized in a region No. 21 of 2008 as amended
المدرس المساعد سجى كريم صالح علي (Author)
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-Implicit constitutional rights and freedoms and means of proving them - the Iraqi constitution as a model
م.م شميم مزهر راضي (Author)
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Tools of Iranian policy towards Latin American countries since 2005
استاذ مساعد كتور ضاري سرحان حمادي (Author)
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Currents of rationalism in Western political thought
أستاذ مساعد دكتور عبير سهام مهدي (Author)
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US-Chinese relations and the most prominent controversial issues
مدرس دكتور علي صباح صابر (Author)
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The US strategy towards Iran for the years 2000-2019
مدرس دكتور باسل محسن مهنا العميري (Author)
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The diplomatic role of the Holy See in world politics
مدرس دكتور صفاء إبراهيم الموسوي (Author)
pdf (Arabic)
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