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No. 5 (2020): Issue No. 5 - Jan.
No. 5 (2020): Issue No. 5 - Jan.
Full Issue
العدد الخامس الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
Crimes against Humanity - Ethnic Cleansing against the Rohingya Muslims as a model
ا.م.د بان حكمت عبد الكريم (Author)
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The passenger's right of care according to the rules of the national laws - a comparative study
الدكتور رائد أحمد خليل (Author)
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Including of the public employee in the Iraqi legislation
الدكتور سامي حسن نجم الحمداني (Author)
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The arbitrator's recusal compared to the judge's recusal - a study in the light of the Iraqi Civil Procedure Law
الدكتور صفاء شكور عباس . (Author)
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Civil responsibility for the professional errors of the members of the Iraqi Academic Union
. المدرسة رؤى على عطية المدرسة المساعد آمنة عبد الكريم علي (Author)
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The role of tourism legislation in the development of tourism in Iraq after 2003.
مدرس مساعد مالك عباس ، مدرس مساعد علي حمزة جبر (Author)
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Dispossession of Patent in Iraqi law - a comparative study(
مدرس زهراء مبروك عبد الله دكتورة أميرة عبد الحسين جاسم (Author)
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Peddling of Influence functional in the issuance of judicial decisions - a comparative legal study
مدرس دكتور حيدر عبد النبي طولي (Author)
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The civil Responsibility of the World Wide Web
– مدرس دكتور معاذ محمد يعقوب (Author)
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A look at the cases of the establishment and absence of the doctor's civil responsibility in the Iraqi civil law
مدرس دكتور همام محمد يعقوب . (Author)
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Insurance from responsibility in light of the Iraqi Doctors Protection Law No. 26 of 2013.
مدرس مساعد فاتن يونس حسين (Author)
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The Arbitration institutions and their role in determining the law applicable to investment contracts - a comparative study
مدرس مساعد حسان علي مسلم (Author)
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Seizing the vacant land in international law
مدرس أحمد كاظم محيبس (Author)
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The semi-federal system - Britain as a model
الدكتور باسم علي خريسان (Author)
النظام شبه الفيدرالي – بريطانيا نموذجاً (Arabic)
Mechanisms for Enhancing Political Security in Iraq after 2003
الدكتور أيمن أحمد محمد الشمري (Author)
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Marxist Theory - Foundations and Evaluation
الدكتورة نورا كطاف هيدان (Author)
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The conflict of sub-identities in Iraq and its political and social effects
الدكتورة كريمة لطيف عبد الله (Author)
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commitment following crime in the roman law
أ. م. د حامد جاسم حمادي (Author)
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