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No. 6 (2020): Issue No. 6 - Apr.
No. 6 (2020): Issue No. 6 - Apr.
Full Issue
العدد السادس الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
Criminal protection of water resources and its impact on achieving sustainable development
استاذ مساعد دكتور رعد فجر فتيح الراوي , مدرس دكتور قصي علي عباس (Author)
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The United Nations responsibility of the illegitimate decisions of the UN Security Council
استاذ مساعد دكتور عبد الستار حسين الجملي (Author)
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Towards the legal guarantees to protect the displaced - Iraq as a model
استاذ مساعد دكتور سلوى احمد ميدان (Author)
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Recommendation in the Iraqi constitution of 2005
مدرس دكتور أحمد محسن جميل (Author)
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Procedural constitutional guarantees for the rights of the accused in the investigation and trial phases
مدرس دكتور عدنان ضامن مهدي . (Author)
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Conflict of Laws in the Mixed Marriage - A Comparative Study
مدرس دكتور رغد عبد الاميرمظلوم (Author)
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Principles of private international law as a source in Iraqi civil and comparative law
الدكتور اسامة رشيد مجيد (Author)
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Criteria for determining the law applicable to consumption contractsA comparative study
الدكتور أحمد جعفر شاوي (Author)
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Coronavirus obstruction of the will dominance principle and the Human Freedom in the Nature
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور ابراهيم عنتر الحياني (Author)
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The submission fulfilling the requirements of letter of credit
المدرس فيصل عدنان عبد شياع (Author)
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The Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED)
المدرس اسامة يوسف نجم (Author)
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The Basis for the United Nations intervention in the peacebuilding process and its legal mechanisms
مدرس مساعد ضياء مصلح مهدي (Author)
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Electronic contract of Labor - a comparative study
مدرس مساعد ذو الفقار كاظم مطير (Author)
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Iraqi-German Cultural Relations
استاذ دكتور ستار جبار الجابري (Author)
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The dialectic of the relationship between the political opposition and the rotation of power
استاذ دكتور خيري عبد الرزاق جاسم (Author)
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The Philosophical foundation of the Clash of Civilizations Thesis -
مدرس دكتور بشار سعدون هاشم (Author)
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British-American relations and the position of the international press on the issue of Brexit
مدرس أحمد طامل منصور , مدرس مساعد صباح جابر كاظم (Author)
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Inputs of the Iraqi democratic political structure and national security
مدرس مساعد حيدر علي عبد الله (Author)
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