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No. 8 (2020): Issue No. 8 - Oct.
No. 8 (2020): Issue No. 8 - Oct.
Full Issue
العدد الثامن الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
Investing Iraq's oil under a changing economic system - a comparative economic, jurisprudential and legal study
دكتورة راند فتيخان عطا الله الزيدي., أ. د. عدنان ابراهيم عبد الجميلي (Author)
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Regulation of the administrative judiciary in Türkiye and Iraq
الاستاذ الدكتور عارف صالح مخلف , م. د. عبد رزيج اسود (Author)
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Procedures for appointing the members of constitutional courts - a comparative study with reference to the law of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq
استاذ مساعد دكتور محمد حميد عبد , أ.م.د حسين جبر حسين الشويلي (Author)
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Sexual Harassment Crime
استاذ مساعد عباس حكمت فرمان , الباحثة: ميادة محمود فياض (Author)
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The right to prove the opposite in criminal proceedings
استاذ مساعد دكتور محمد جياد زيدان (Author)
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The Role of the electronic outreach in the Investment Process - A Comparative Study
مدرس دكتورهديل سعد أحمد (Author)
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Financial intermediation contract in the stock market, between consensual and acquiescent
مدرس فيصل عدنان عبد شياع (Author)
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Mechanisms to combat the financial and administrative corruption in Iraq
مدرس مساعد نهال حسن ابراهيم (Author)
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Traditional law attitude on the use of force
مدرس مساعد عبد الناصر عبد الستار الجميلي (Author)
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Guarantees for the accused at the preliminary investigation stage in the Rome Statute
مدرس مساعد عمر هلال جنداري (Author)
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The competent authority to resolve conflicts of jurisdiction between the administrative judiciary and the ordinary judiciary in the State Council
دكتورة سناء طهمة مهدي (Author)
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The American variable and its impact on the internal and external policies in Iraq 2003-2023 -
استاذ دكتور عامر هاشم عواد (Author)
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The future of the Kurds of
استاذ دكتور ستار جبار علاي (Author)
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China's regional policy to ensure energy security - Asia Pacific as a model
استاذ دكتور ابراهيم حردان مطر , سرى فؤاد عبد الكريم (Author)
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Effects of Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization
مدرس دكتور علي عبد الكريم حسين (Author)
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Types of political cultures and the Iraqi national identity
مدرس مساعد مريم محمد حسين (Author)
pdf (Arabic)
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