"The guarantee provided by the sponsor is an extension of the pledge issued by the student for study leave"
After completing his studies and obtaining a graduate certificate, an employee who is certified to study outside the country is obligated to return to Iraq and serve in his department or state departments for twice the period of study. If the employee returns after obtaining the certificate and begins working in his department and is absent from official work for more than ten days, this will entail, by law, his dismissal. From the job, and he is considered to be in breach of his pledge to serve twice the period of study in the Iraqi state departments and the instructions for granting study leave No. 165 of 2011, and since the guarantee taken from the plaintiff (sponsor) is considered an extension of the pledge made by the sponsored person (study leave applicant), and given the latter’s failure to serve in The Iraqi state departments are twice the period of study. In this case, the plaintiff in this case is considered to be in solidarity with the sponsored person in his obligations, including the obligation to serve twice the period of study. It is not permissible for him to remove himself from sponsorship and request the lifting of the lien on his guarantor property until the sums spent on the dismissed employee during the period of study are collected in accordance with According to the Government Debt Collection Law No. 56 of 1977, based on this, the Civil Authority of the Federal Court of Cassation ruled in its pending decision to overturn the decision of the Fallujah First Instance Court because it did not take into account the advanced legal perspective.
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Iraqi Civil Law No. (40) of 1951.
Instructions for granting academic leave No. (165) of 2011 in force.
Decisions of the Federal Court of Cassation with numbers (1293/Civil Authority copied/on 12/13/2010). And (273/Extended Civil Authority/on 8/18/2021). And (122/Extended Civil Authority/on 4/13/2022). Published on the Iraqi Legislation Base website, under the link: https://iraqld.e-sjc-services.iq/LoadLawBook.aspx?page=1&SC=&BookID=27297. Date of visit: 1/3/2024, at 10:00 am Baghdad time.
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