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No. 23 (2024): Issue No. 23- Jan
No. 23 (2024): Issue No. 23- Jan
Statement of the conditions for the validity of recognitionin the Jordanian Penal Code
م. د. يوسف مظهر أحمد العيساوي (Author)
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Rulings on jurisprudential sales in “Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an”By Imam Al-Qurtubi
أ.م.د.حسن محمد سميان (Author)
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The Legal Basis for Non-Monetary Remedies for Violations against Civilians in the International Law
أ.م.د. أسامة يوسف نجم, الباحثة: مريم فرحان درويش (Author)
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Administrative formations competent to guarantee the rights of those covered by the Martyrs Foundation La
ا. م. د. رنا علي حميد , الباحثة: طيبة علي فاضل (Author)
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The Criminal Liability resultingfrom depriving a Women of Inheritance
م.د.صابرين يوسف عبدالله الحيان (Author)
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The Problematic of non- determining the Price in United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods 1980
أ.م. فيصل عدنان عبد شياع (Author)
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Civil Liability arising from the Disclosure of Banking Secrets
م.د.عبدالله عيسى مطشر (Author)
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The effect of changing conditions on the contract a study in French Decree No. (131) of 2016
م.م اخلاص عوفي شرقي الكناني, م.م وهب سامي محيسن العبيدي (Author)
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Constitutional regulation of the status of religion in the state a comparative study
م.د محمد علي محمد علي بحـــــــر العــــــلوم (Author)
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Commercial banks and their role in the investment projects
م.م. لمياء حسين عاصي (Author)
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The social and economic reality of Iraqi women and its impact on their societal role for the period (1921-2003)
أ.د عمار سعدون سلمان, الباحثة: سجى احمد قاسم (Author)
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Parliamentary system in IraqBetween constitutional texts and political consensus
م. د . عبدالغفور اسعد عبدالوهاب (Author)
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The impact of the American withdrawal on Iraqi national security
م.د. علي مزاحم مجبل (Author)
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Violence against Children between Legal Protection and Community Practice in Iraq after 2003
أ.م.د. استبرق فاضل الشمري, م.م.هند جمعه علي (Author)
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Political leadership and its impact on consensual democracy (Malaysia as an example)
م.م عبدالكريم قيس عبدالكريم (Author)
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Translated Reports
What Is the Global South?
أ.د عيدالأمير عبدالحسن إبراهيم (Translator); جوزيف أس ناي الابن (Author)
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The failure of Iraq's environmental diplomacy
زهراء محسن هجول (Translator); دياري صالح (Author)
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Commentary on Judicial Provisions
"The guarantee provided by the sponsor is an extension of the pledge issued by the student for study leave"
المدرس المساعد مثنى فائز عبد (Author)
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