Parliamentary system in IraqBetween constitutional texts and political consensus


  • م. د . عبدالغفور اسعد عبدالوهاب Degla College, National University Author



Parliamentary system, Political consensus, Legislature, Constitution


The parliamentary system created stabilshed in Britain, which is the mother country of this system, and from it moved to many countries, including Iraq, which applied this system since the establishment of the Iraqi state after the issuance of the constitution in 1925, and after the end of this constitution in 1958 , the totalitarian system was introduced until 2003, which changed it The course of things in Iraq, and the parliamentary system was applied again with the constitution of 2005, but this system had many changes in the Iraqi reality represented by the emergence of political consensus in the administration of the state, which led to the deviation of this system from the traditional principles on which it was based, so this system has Primarily in Iraq, however, it is largely subject to political consensus, which has led to the matter taking precedence over constitutional texts 


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