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political science
political systems
political systems
16 Items
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Violence against Children between Legal Protection and Community Practice in Iraq after 2003
أ.م.د. استبرق فاضل الشمري, م.م.هند جمعه علي (Author)
The Technological Advancement and its Impact on National Security in Iraq after 2003 (A Case Study of social media)
أ.م.د. استبرق فاضل الشمري , م.م.هند جمعه علي (Author)
The social and economic reality of Iraqi women and its impact on their societal role for the period (1921-2003)
أ.د عمار سعدون سلمان, الباحثة: سجى احمد قاسم (Author)
The role of international organizations and agencies in the implementation of resolution 1325 in Iraq
أ.د ابتسام محمد العامري (Author)
The Parliamentary Experience in Algeria from 2011 to 2021
أ. م. د. بدرية صالح عبد الله (Author)
The influence of the American new right on public policy making (a study of the speeches of republican party candidates) for the 2024 US elections.
م. م. فاتن علي عويد (Author)
The impact of the absence of parliamentary opposition in Iraq on implementing good governance
م د. علي مهدي كاظم (Author)
The impact of public policy on the success of the Vietnamese development experience
م.م. هالة منذر جلال, أ.د قاسم شعيب عباس (Author)
The foundations of the legitimacy of the Moroccan monarchy: a study of continuity factors
أ. م. د. نادية فاضل عباس فضلي (Author)
The dialectic of the relationship between political violence and the legitimacy of the regime
الباحث حيدر جواد حسن, أستاذ دكتور منى جلال عواد (Author)
The democratic deficit in the European Union political system
م.د. لؤي سعد عبيد (Author)
Soft war and its impact on the stability of political systems
م.م. حاتم كريم عبد الستار (Author)
political development and its role in achieving political stability in Iraq after 2003
م.د هند محمود حميد , ا.م.د عبير سهام مهدي (Author)
Parliamentary system in IraqBetween constitutional texts and political consensus
م. د . عبدالغفور اسعد عبدالوهاب (Author)
Impact of Digital Media in Electoral Behavior
Poland as Case Study
م.م. سارة أديب رشيد (Author)
- The constitutional institutions activity in the mixed regime - a comparative study - between the constitution of France of 1958 and the permanent constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005
مدرس دكتور أزهر عبد الحسين عبد الله, م.م افنان عبد الحسين عبد الله (Author)
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