Soft war and its impact on the stability of political systems


  • م.م. حاتم كريم عبد الستار University of Baghdad -College of Fine Arts Author



culture warfare, psychological warfare, propaganda, threat, soft power, Soft war


Soft war began to have a significant impact on political systems, and its effects became greater than the effects of hard war and hard power. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world began to search for means other than hard means, as it realized that there were means with low costs but with great effects. Power became Cultural, technological, media, and economic have greater returns than military force and economic blockade, and therefore their impact has become greater than the impact of hard power on political systems. This is why some modern terms have appeared (such as soft power, soft war, cultural war, psychological warfare, media war, and others). We discussed through We investigated the concept of “soft war,” which is still of great interest to researchers and research centers.
This concept was widely used after the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran (Khamenei) mentioned it in one of his speeches in 2009, but the origin of this concept goes back to the American professor (Joseph Nye), who linked it largely to the concept of soft power. Many global systems have become threatened. Because of the soft war, which has become difficult to confront because it is a hidden, imperceptible, and gradual war, therefore political systems must confront it, which requires a good decision maker to thwart the goals of the soft war and fortify the internal arena against deviations.


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