The impact of the absence of parliamentary opposition in Iraq on implementing good governance


  • م د. علي مهدي كاظم Iraqi University- College of Law and Political Science Author



Parliamentary opposition, good governance, transparency, interrogation, political, stability, participation, equality


The research is based on an idea based on understanding the basic motives and principles that made high policies and those responsible for high policy in the influence of Iraq after 2003 on the application of good governance and the extent of the absence of opponents, both its Yemeni and parliamentary sides, on an application that seeks this rule, on whose success the application of political governance depends. Good governance harbors the mother of a state of law and justice. The state of commercial peace was established and it achieved prosperity that cannot be achieved under the rule of law. So where is Iraq in that regard, specifically after the year (2003), when it had the opportunity to achieve this, after taking the first step in this, by establishing a political constitutional system, and not removing political actions and decisions from Seniors and politicians, whether in power or outside it, have continued to call for loyalty to Iraq and to be welcomed by those promising happiness and the establishment of a state of law. From this standpoint, the importance of the study emerges.


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