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No. 25 (2024): Issue No. 25- Jul.
No. 25 (2024): Issue No. 25- Jul.
Full Issue
العدد 25 الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
How to determine liability for damages to a robot programmed according to artificial intelligence
A comparative study between Iraqi law and Iranian and Emirati law
الاستاذ الدكتور صالحي مازندراني , مهند فاضل حميد الشهيلي (Author)
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Legal adaptation of the Corona pandemic as a force majeure or an emergency in Iraqi and comparative law
م. م ساهر ناصر حسين العزاوي, أ. د سعيد يوسف سعيد البستاني (Author)
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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on the Rights Contained in the Iraqi Constitution
“An Analytical Study”
أ .م. رؤى علي عطية , أ. د. اشرف رمال (Author)
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Law in the world of economics
Its importance and role in controlling the market and economic activity
أ. م. د. آريان قاسمي, م.م ميسم ياسين طارش (Author)
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Origins of legislative policy
م. د. شروق جابر حبيب (Author)
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The crime of maritime piracy and its legal and political implications
أ.م. حسين علاء عبد الصاحب (Author)
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Report a Crime as a Causes of non-responsibility In Iraqi criminal law
م.م. خلدون أحمد محمد (Author)
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Effective government contracting methods for obtaining advisory services in Iraqi law
م.م. كرار مجيد حسين عيدان (Author)
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The Role of Preventive Policy in Combating Organized Corruption Crimes
م.م. رامي احمد كاظم (Author)
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Laws and Jurisprudence of Treasures
A Comparative Study
م.م عبد المحسن رعد عبد (Author)
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The role of electronic arbitration in settling international trade contract disputes
A comparative study
م.م سماح رياض نجم, م.م ساره عامر رياض (Author)
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The role of international organizations and agencies in the implementation of resolution 1325 in Iraq
أ.د ابتسام محمد العامري (Author)
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The Parliamentary Experience in Algeria from 2011 to 2021
أ. م. د. بدرية صالح عبد الله (Author)
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The impact of the absence of parliamentary opposition in Iraq on implementing good governance
م د. علي مهدي كاظم (Author)
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The Reality of the BRICS Group Between Nature and Application
د. زينب محمد جميل الضناوي (Author)
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Impact of Digital Media in Electoral Behavior
Poland as Case Study
م.م. سارة أديب رشيد (Author)
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Translated Reports
The Path to AI Arms Control: America and China Must Work Together to Avoid Catastrophe
: أ.م.د علي عبد الخضر محمد المعموري (Author)
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Commentary on Judicial Provisions
Compensation for the extinction of machines
د. درع حماد (Author)
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Book Review
The future of the Sultanate of Oman after Sultan Qaboos
أ.د. جاسم يونس الحريري (Author)
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