Laws and Jurisprudence of Treasures

A Comparative Study


  • م.م عبد المحسن رعد عبد Ministry of Interior- High Institute of Security and Administrative Development Author



treasure , appropriation , possession , owner , property , transferred , dependency , preference


Explores the concept of appropriation as one of the ways to gain ownership over something that is not owned by anyone at the time of appropriation. The act of appropriation involves a person physically taking possession of an item with the intention of making it their own. However, there are certain things that cannot be subjects of appropriation. These items were not abandoned by their owners with the intention of discarding them; instead, the owners intentionally concealed them from public view. A prominent example of such items is a treasure, which typically consists of valuable and precious objects of various kinds

In iraqi law and jurisprudence, opinions differ regarding the regulations surrounding the ownership of treasures. Some argue that the criterion of dependency should be used as a basis for ownership. According to this view, the ownership of the treasure follows the ownership of the property in which it was found, regardless of who the property owner is. On the other hand, others advocate for the criterion of preference or eligibility. Under this perspective, if a treasure is found, the original property owner is given preference over others in claiming ownership. This preference arises from the fact that the owner of the property was the first to possess the treasure, making their claim stronger than that of others.

The issue of treasure ownership in Iraqi law and jurisprudence remains a subject of debate and varies depending on the different perspectives and interpretations taken by legal experts.                                    


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Fourth: Laws

Iraqi Civil Law No. 40 of 1951 (amended) 1.

Egyptian Civil Law No. 131 of 1948.2

Wild Animals Protection Law of 2010.3

Weapons Law No. 51 of 2017.4

Law on Drugs and Psychotropic Substances No. 50 of 2017

