The crime of maritime piracy and its legal and political implications


  • أ.م. حسين علاء عبد الصاحب AL-Iraqiya University – College of Law and Political Science Author



Maritime piracy, Legal effects , Political influences , International agreements, Economic impacts


Seas and oceans were and still the most effective tool for communication of peoples through commercial and cultural exchanges between civilizations, but since the early years of transportation and shipping through ships, the term marine piracy appeared to the world, and this term means that a pirate responsible for a group of pirates looted and plundered the contents of ships and sometimes they hijack the whole ship with the passengers. This crime is one of the most important challenges facing the international community. Maritime piracy incidents has increased recently  as a result of many bad political conditions for many countries that overlook important strategic marine sites such as Somalia. This crime has numerous legal, political and economic dimensions that i will discuss in detail through this research paper.


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