Violence against Children between Legal Protection and Community Practice in Iraq after 2003


  • أ.م.د. استبرق فاضل الشمري Al - Nahrain University -College of Political sciences Author
  • م.م.هند جمعه علي Middle Technical University- Institute ofAdministration Rusafa Author



Violence, Childhood, Violence against children, Manifestations of violence, Legal protection


Childhood is one of the most important stages in human life, serving as the foundation for an individual’s development. Children represent the wealth of society and the future generation, and they require a nurturing environment free from violence. Many Iraqi children face challenging circumstances that lead them to engage in activities inappropriate for their age in order to meet their basic needs. Consequently, they become vulnerable to various forms of violence. These children need legal protection to mitigate the grave violations they may endure, whether from within their families or outside of them. Additionally, they require societal protection, which involves the active involvement of community institutions responsible for raising and safeguarding children within society. This is the focus of our research—to shed light on the serious violations to which children are exposed and to explore their requirements for both legal and societal protection, encompassing four key areas, concluding with recommendations.   


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