The Technological Advancement and its Impact on National Security in Iraq after 2003 (A Case Study of social media)


  • أ.م.د. استبرق فاضل الشمري Al - Nahrain University /College of Political sciences Author
  • م.م.هند جمعه علي Al - Nahrain University /College of Political sciences Author



Technical development, Security, National Security , Social media, Cybercrime


The technological development and the entry of electronic technology, the World Wide Web (Internet), the computer and the services associated with it in people's lives are close to long distances, making the world a small village and the possibility of communication in light of the modern high-quality means of communication (Facebook, Twitter, Viber, ....) And this led to the persistence of intruders, criminals, terrorist groups, and those with bad and malicious intentions from directly using this electronic technology to attack with electronic crimes that affect the essence of national security in Iraq by spying on Military plans or access to security plans and other sensitive matters, as they affect the private life of individuals, and can stir up sectarian and religious strife and spread rumors and terrorist ideas. Therefore, government intervention is required in order to reduce these crimes through a series of strategies that aim first to raise awareness. And secondly, through legal legislation that works to preserve rights and freedoms and enhance Iraqi national security.


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