The foundations of the legitimacy of the Moroccan monarchy: a study of continuity factors


  • أ. م. د. نادية فاضل عباس فضلي Center for strategic & International studies/University of Baghdad Author



royal institution, Morocco, king, legitimacy, allegiance, consensus


          In Morocco, the King represents the Commander of the Faithful, who is surrounded by holiness and has an unparalleled legal position. He is the supreme representative of the Moroccan nation, the symbol of its unity and sovereignty, and the guarantor of the permanence and continuation of the state through the presence of the royal institution that extends for many decades. He is the protector of the homeland and ensures that the constitution is respected and implemented according to a vision drawn up through the presence of A deeply rooted royal institution, it works to preserve the rights and freedoms of citizens, groups, bodies, and civil and civil organizations. It is the guarantor of the independence of the country and the possession of the Kingdom of Morocco. This status that the king enjoys stems from his honorable lineage to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the basis of his person and exercise of authority on the existence of the pledge of allegiance and consensus                                              


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رابعاً الصحف

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