The role of international law in combating impunity for perpetrators of international crimes
International Criminal Court, impunity, international agreements, international crimes, the United NationsAbstract
Crime has increased in ferocity and its manifestations have diversified in the contemporary era in all parts of the world to the point that every country, no matter how advanced its civilization and no matter how powerful, cannot do without entering into mutual cooperation relations with other countries in order to coordinate efforts in combating crime. Its internal efforts are no longer sufficient. To prevent or reduce the volume of crimes committed, due to the tremendous technological progress that has swept the world, which has helped in the emergence of new types of crimes at the national, regional and global levels, and the most important of these crimes is international organized crime.
The most important thing recorded for contemporary international criminal policy is that it has allowed the establishment of patterns of international criminal justice to hold individuals criminally accountable for crimes that are most dangerous to the safety and security of humanity. Since the last decade of the twentieth century, the international community has witnessed the actual and gradual birth of various private and mixed judicial systems, the most important of which is the establishment of A permanent International Criminal Court, which would put an end to the impunity of executioners in various regions of the world, where medieval oppression prevails and human dignity is wasted without a sense of guilt, fear of punishment, or the rule of law.
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