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No. 18 (2022): Issue No. 18 - Nov.
No. 18 (2022): Issue No. 18 - Nov.
The legal seclusion of the imprisoned husband between Sharia and law
أ.د. حميد سلطان علي, مثنى أحمد نوري (Author)
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Administration Tort Liability For Violating The Human Right To A Healthy Environment
أستاذ دكتوره حنان محمد القيسي, م. د. محمد نعمه الغالبي (Author)
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Contractual liability for abuse of the right
أستاذ مساعد دكتور علي مطشر عبد الصاحب (Author)
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- The legal regulation of investing state funds - an analytical study of System No. 6 of 2017
أ.م.د. رشا محمد جعفر الهاشمي (Author)
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The discretionary authority of the judge to temporarily suspend the implementation of the contract - a comparative study
أستاذ مساعد دكتور سفانة سمير حميد, حنين محمود ابراهيم (Author)
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The Basis of the state’s Civil responsibility nuclear radioactive pollution lights. - A Comparative Study
مدرس دكتوره نسرين غانم حنون (Author)
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Legal protection of the special rights of working women- a comparative study
مدرس دكتور شامل هادي نجم (Author)
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Electronic commercial books as an argument in proof
مدرس دكتوره رسل عبد الستار عبد الجبار (Author)
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Constitutional identity and the crisis of belonging and loyalty
مدرس مساعد نغم عبد الستار حسين (Author)
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Regulating contracts according to the 2016 amendment to the French Civil Code - an analytical study compared to the position of the Iraqi legislator
مدرس مساعد موج إبراهيم خلف (Author)
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Nuclear Powers in the Twenty First Century and the Dilemma of No First Use of Nuclear Weapons
أ.م.د عماد جاسم محمد (Author)
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The Contemporary Christian Current in Lebanon
أ.م.د تغريد حنون علي, م.د صابرين ستار جبار (Author)
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Theoretical dialogues in international relations - a theoretical study in the framework of contemporary theories
مدرس دكتور أحمد حسين ثجيل (Author)
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- The constitutional institutions activity in the mixed regime - a comparative study - between the constitution of France of 1958 and the permanent constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005
مدرس دكتور أزهر عبد الحسين عبد الله, م.م افنان عبد الحسين عبد الله (Author)
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The dialectic of the relationship between political violence and the legitimacy of the regime
الباحث حيدر جواد حسن, أستاذ دكتور منى جلال عواد (Author)
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