Implications of working Robert on the future of paid work


  • م.د. نور سعد حسون Faculty of Law - Tikrit University Author



Robert, paid Labour, The unemployment, workers, Jobs chances


   Over the previous ages, the work environment has not witnessed a significant development as is happening now in the present time, and this is not new to the labor sector, since the emergence of industry and its progress and the expansion of trade and the increase in demand for products, institutions and factories have become competing and even racing towards increasing the value of production and invested capital, and therefore I resorted to using methods that simulate human capabilities, and may even exceed them, which is called (the working Robert).

    In view of its modern use in many countries and the lack of studies at the local level on this subject, the importance of this study came, so we tried in this modest contribution to shed light on the reality that imposed this type of innovation by embodying the impact of Robert on work and the future of manpower and the effects resulting from its use Can it replace working hands in the future, and it also discusses the need to develop principles and legal mechanisms capable of framing the repercussions of this new development to come up with recommendations, proposals and ideas that are applicable on the ground, and to derive the most successful solutions and the closest to reality, in a way that contributes to activating its work in our society.


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Reference list:

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