The legal model for the crime of normalization with the Zionist entity


  • م.د زيد عجمي بشيت University of Sumer / College of Law Author



model, legal, crime, normalization, entity, Zionism


The attention of our research, tagged with (the legal model of the crime of normalization with the Zionist entity), was directed to many aspects closely related to the political and social reality. Criminal activity and the general concepts of the crime of normalization were achieved, and we also touched on the criminalization contained in the Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 for the crime of normalization in Article 201, and what aroused our interest in the matter is that the law defines gradual penalties, but rather singles out the act and makes its punishment death, and one of the basic matters that our study focused on It is the development of a legal model for the crime of normalization, starting with the development of general concepts of the crime and its legal basis, and then clarifying its elements, the penalties resulting from it, and its scope of application. He did not specify the type of punishment imposed, and the text was absolute on all punitive texts, and we recommended the legislator to abolish life imprisonment and keep the death penalty exclusively for the categories mentioned in Article (9) of the law in question. It is not possible for the legal status of the President of the Republic to be equal when he rises By belonging to any institution of the Zionist entity with a citizen who does not have any job, both of them are subject to the death penalty or life imprisonment.


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قائمة المصادر

اولاً:- الكتب

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ثانياُ :-التشريعات

- قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم 111 لسنة 1969.

- قانون تجريم التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني رقم 1 لسنة 2022

ثالثاً:- المقالات

حسين عبيدات، ورقة بحيثية القيت في المؤتمر العاشر للصحفيين العرب ، عام 2004م

Source list

First: Books

- Tawfiq Abu Bakr, Arab Intellectuals and Political Co-optation, Amman: Jenin Center for Strategic Studies, 1998.

- Ibrahim Al-Bahrawi, The Cultural Story in a Time of Freedom and Movement, Egypt, Cairo, General Authority for Egyptian Books, 1997, p. 33.

- Dr. Ali Hussein Al-Khalaf and Dr. Sultan Abdul Qadir Al-Shawi (General Beginnings in the Penal Code), Dar Al-Sanhouri - Baghdad - 1st edition, 2015, p. 139.

- Prof. Dr. Jamal Ibrahim Al-Haidari, Modern Punishment, first edition, Dar Al-Sanhouri, 2015, pp. 82-83.

- Dr. Mahmoud Naguib Hosni (Explanation of the Penal Code - General Section), 1st edition, 2018, p. 304.

- Dr. Jamal Al-Haidari, Penal Code - Special Section of Al-Sanhouri Library - Baghdad, 2015, p. 55.

- Dr. Maher Abd Shawish Al-Durra, Explanation of the Penal Code, Baghdad Legal Library, 1988, p. 134.

Second: Legislation

- Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969.

- Law criminalizing normalization with the entity entity No. 1, Resolution 2022

Third: Articles

Hussein Obaidat, a paper on education presented at the Tenth Arab Conference, 2004 AD

