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No. 7 (2020): Issue No. 7 - Jul.
No. 7 (2020): Issue No. 7 - Jul.
Full Issue
العدد السابع الاصدار الكامل (Arabic)
Conflict resolution board in contract of cooperative operating
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور بشير جمعة عبد الجبار, الباحث حسين علوان رشيد (Author)
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Real Estate Contract
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور حسن مكي مشيري (Author)
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The Administration's role in recovering the contraband Iraqi funds
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور عيسى تركي خلف (Author)
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Criminal treatment of the crime of killing the parent of his branch
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور عدي طلفاح محمد (Author)
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The Court injunction to suspension the implementation of the administrative decisions - comparison study with judicial applications
المدرس الدكتور حسين محمد سكر. (Author)
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The Restrictions on the commitment of the executive authority in the implementation its constitutional duties
مدرس دكتور مثنى عباس عبد الكاظم (Author)
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Administrative Suspension - A Study in Iraqi and Comparative Legislation.
مدرس دكتور ثامر محمد رخيص (Author)
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educator, Dr. Uday Safar Abdul Qadir.
– مدرس دكتور عدي سفر عبد القادر (Author)
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The concept of habitat in Iraqi and comparative law.
مدرس دكتور ايمان ناجي عبد المجيد (Author)
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Declaring of State Emergency in Iraq - a study under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005
دكتور سعد عبد الله خلف (Author)
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Abortion Law – conflict of maternal and fetal rights
دكتور خالد حمد فياض (Author)
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Genetic Imprinting – concept, legit and Legal Reasoning
دكتور نويس نبيل , دكتور ونوغي نبيل , دكتور كباهم سلطانة (Author)
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Evolution of evidence by Genetic Imprinting in the framework of the lineage disputes
مدرس مساعد محمد جمال زعين (Author)
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الاستحقاقات التقاعدية لموظف الخدمة الجامعية بموجب قانون رقم 26 لسنة 2019
مدرس مساعد سيف علاء حسين . (Author)
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Taxes imposed within the scope of international organizations and their technical problems
مدرس جبار محمد مهدي , مدرس مساعد نجاح ابراهيم سبع (Author)
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The influences of religious values on American strategic thinking - after 2001
استاذ دكتور سرمد عبد الستار امين (Author)
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International conflict in the Middle East and its impact on energy security
استاذ مساعد دكتور ابراهيم حردان مطر , الباحث أحمد عبد الغني اللويزي (Author)
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Strategies for facing the challenges of Arab national security after 2011
مدرس دكتور مروان سالم العلي (Author)
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The politicization of religion and its impact on the ideological trrnds of Turkey during the era of the Justice and Development Party
مدرس دكتور احمد محمد علي جابر (Author)
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The Russian attitude on the Iranian nuclear program crisis - 2015-2018
مدرس مساعد حسام محمد خضير (Author)
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The rights of contriver of the agricultural varieties and his civil protection according to the Iraqi Agricultural Varieties Registration, Accreditation and Protection Law No. 51 of 2012
أ.م.د. امل كاظم سعود, الاستا ذ المساعد الدكتور محمد علي صاحب حسن (Author)
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The Proxy War in yemen
Sami calawy (Author)
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