The Role of Preventive Policy in Combating Organized Corruption Crimes


  • م.م. رامي احمد كاظم Assistant Lecturer in criminal law Ibn Rushd College of Education- University of Baghdad Author



preventive policy , corruption crimes , organized corruption


Public money is of great importance because it has a direct role in the country's economic development. With the emergence of political quotas, a new type of public corruption crime emerged known as "organized corruption". This type of corruption is characterized by the participation of a group of essential officials and their exploitation of the administrative function of the institution they work for in order to drain the country's resources for their interests, causing severe effects on the stability of the state from all aspects: political, economic, and social.

          We have focused on preventing financial and administrative corruption crimes by adopting a proactive approach. The competent authorities have taken various measures, such as promoting transparency in work and developing internal control systems in all institutions. Additionally, employees and public service personnel are encouraged to inform the competent authorities of any suspicious activities related to financial or administrative corruption in their institutions. By adopting these preventive measures, we can exclude individuals whose resumes or criminal records indicate a potential danger to the facility they desire to manage, which can prevent them from achieving their criminal goals.


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- القرآن الكريم

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