Guarantees of the right to food security between international and national legislation
Food securityAbstract
Securing food needs is considered one of the important preparations that the state must make. This is because food is a vital element and considered an important element in the humans life, also is considered one of the basic fundamentals in preserving human life. The efforts of states to achieve the protection of the human right to food focuses on including this right in legal texts, whether constitutional or international, because the right to food security falls within the economic rights guaranteed by international legislation pertaining to international trade and economic, social and cultural rights. States must work to protect this right from being affected by any elements or factors that may harm the individual or society. An example of such protection is for the state to ensure equality and economic factors in this field, thus ensuring that elements of human existence are not harmed, such as: climate change, desert, and demographic elements related to the increase in population numbers and the expansion of their spread at the expenditure of agricultural lands. There must be solutions that maintain a balance between the increasing population density and arable agricultural areas, as the state must carry out its duty to protect individuals and their rights in terms of food, and to secure their rights, including the right to food security and ensuring it in the quantities that the people might need.
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