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No. 19 (2023): Issue No. 19 - Jan.
No. 19 (2023): Issue No. 19 - Jan.
The powers of the Control Commander and its position on the two systems of combining and separating powers in the Code of Criminal Procedure for the Internal Security Forces No. 17 of 2008
أستاذ دكتور هدى هاتف مظهر, الباحث أيمن سعدي حميد (Author)
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The legal regulation of supplementary mortgage insurance - a comparative study
استاذ دكتور غني ريسان جادر (Author)
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The scope of the regression of the principle of criminal legality in exceptional circumstances - analytical research
أستاذ مساعد دكتور محمد حميد عبد (Author)
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The effect of amnesty measures on individual criminal responsibility within the framework of international criminal law
أستاذ مساعد دكتور جميل ضامن حسين (Author)
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Compliance in litigation procedures
مدرس دكتور ياسر سبهان حمد, د. محمد رياض فيصل (Author)
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The role of the will in excluding the relevant law within the framework of the attributive approach
مدرس دكتور رنا صادق شهاب الدليمي (Author)
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International measures to protect women from gender-based violence and their impact on Iraqi legislation
مدرس دكتوره حميدة على جابر (Author)
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Enforcement of the international treaty in the national legal system and its impact on the sovereignty of the state
مدرس دكتور باسم غناوي علوان (Author)
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individuals rights in Sustainable development within the rules of international law
دكتور حسام بردان عايش (Author)
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The impact of constitutional principles in achieving security in criminal law
مدرس عمار علي محمد (Author)
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The legal effects of tax contracts and their role in increasing revenues
مدرس مساعد دعاء كاظم طارش , مدرس مساعد رسل باقر طاهر (Author)
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The tort responsibility of the American forces for the personal act of its personnel and the consequences thereof
مدرس مساعد علي عبد العزيز الجبوري, أستاذ مساعد دكتور مهدي ميراداشي, الدكتور محسن قدير (Author)
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The effect of the Hidden Defect on the Sale - A Comparative Study in the Iraqi and Lebanese Legal Light
مدرس دكتور صائب صالح إبراهيم (Author)
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Chinese strategic perception of Southeast Asia
أستاذ دكتور إبراهيم حردان مطر, الباحثة وصال هندي كاظم (Author)
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Intellectual Reading on Issues of Globalization and Liberalism at Neoconservatives: Administration of the Trump is a Sample
أستاذ مساعد دكتور خالد عبد الاله عبد الستار (Author)
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The reality and the future of the Afghan state after the U,S withdrawal in 2021
أستاذ مساعد دكتور زياد يوسف حمد , الباحثة فاتن حاتم كريم (Author)
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The Political Thought of Radical Religious Fundamentals - Research on the Organic Relationship between Zionism and ISIS
أستاذ مساعد دكتور حسام كصاي (Author)
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