The role of international organizations and agencies in the implementation of resolution 1325 in Iraq


  • أ.د ابتسام محمد العامري College of Political Science / University of Baghdad Author



Resolution 1325, international organizations and agencies, women's political participation.


Since the establishment of the modern Iraqi state, women have not received attention commensurate with their role and size in society for several political, economic, cultural and value reasons, as well as many other reasons, but the situation changed somewhat after 2003, as the text of the Iraqi constitution on the quota for women in one of its articles contributed to the entry of women into the political arena with all its weight, and despite the pressures and restrictions by society and political parties, some women were able to impose their presence and succeeded. In proving their presence, whether in legislative, executive and judicial positions.        

Resolution 1325 on women, security and peace came as an official and legal document issued by the highest global organization, the United Nations Security Council in 2000, which calls for increasing the percentage of women's representation in peace processes and political institutions to support women's efforts to recognize their rights and enhance their participation and role. This area, as women who are good at dealing with organizations and know political work are better than women who ascend to office through quotas or to implement a certain agenda, and international organizations have been able to change and affect women's participation through grants and material, moral and institutional support, and thus dozens of activities per year, which is one of the steps of international organizations to support women


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