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public law
International Public law
International Public law
17 Items
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The tort responsibility of the American forces for the personal act of its personnel and the consequences thereof
مدرس مساعد علي عبد العزيز الجبوري, أستاذ مساعد دكتور مهدي ميراداشي, الدكتور محسن قدير (Author)
The role of international law in combating impunity for perpetrators of international crimes
م.د عمر عبود خليل (Author)
The legal model for the crime of normalization with the Zionist entity
م.د زيد عجمي بشيت (Author)
The Legal Basis for Non-Monetary Remedies for Violations against Civilians in the International Law
أ.م.د. أسامة يوسف نجم, الباحثة: مريم فرحان درويش (Author)
The impact of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19) on the application of international law
م. منعم ثاير فارس (Author)
The effect of changing conditions on the contract a study in French Decree No. (131) of 2016
م.م اخلاص عوفي شرقي الكناني, م.م وهب سامي محيسن العبيدي (Author)
Territorial waters and the rules governing them
م. م. عادل ابراهيم طه المحمدي, أ.م. د. يوسف مظهر أحمد العيساوي (Author)
Read about the political and law effects of the Corona pandemic on the global system
د. نور علي صكب , د. محمد عامر السعيدي (Author)
International measures to protect women from gender-based violence and their impact on Iraqi legislation
مدرس دكتوره حميدة على جابر (Author)
International custom According to Martinez's condition
م.م. نور عبد الرضا صبر (Author)
individuals rights in Sustainable development within the rules of international law
دكتور حسام بردان عايش (Author)
Enforcement of the international treaty in the national legal system and its impact on the sovereignty of the state
مدرس دكتور باسم غناوي علوان (Author)
Corporal punishment and custodial punishment
أ.د . واثبة داود Alsaidy (Author)
Constitutional regulation of the status of religion in the state a comparative study
م.د محمد علي محمد علي بحـــــــر العــــــلوم (Author)
Climate change and its impact on human security
أ. د. هديل صالح عبود , الباحث كرار عبد الرضا طاهر (Author)
Climate change and human rights With reference to the regions of southern Iraq
أ.د.كريم سيد كنبار (Author)
Civilian Rights under Military Occupation, a studying according to the rules of International
دكتور عبد الرزاق أحمد رغيف الشمري (Author)
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