political development and its role in achieving political stability in Iraq after 2003


  • م.د هند محمود حميد Baghdad university- college of political science Author
  • ا.م.د عبير سهام مهدي Baghdad university- college of political science Author




development, political system, political stability, pluralism, political participation


The concept of development is one of the modern concepts that has sparked widespread controversy among researchers regarding its connotations and assumptions. The importance of this term lies because it addresses many of the general foundations and foundations that push human societies towards advancement,progress,achieving sustainable development ,strengthening the capabilities of the political system, and political participation and political development in its reality are an essential element. For stability and human and social development.

Political development is a process that includes building institutions, expanding the base of political participation, and rationalizing the assumption of power with the aim of achieving political stability, which means that political development mainly aims to build a political system and carry out modernization processes on it so that it becomes a modern, developed system or thus transformed from a totalitarian system to a democratic system.

Since 2003, Iraq has embarked on a process of comprehensive modernization of its structures and institutions in order to achieve political development and create a democratic structure that moves political life from its formal framework to the field of real practice, thus contributing to building a state of modern institutions.

However, this process faced a number of challenges and obstacles, such as the political challenges represented by (the challenge of state building, the fragility of the institutional structure, and the state of political instability), while the social and economic challenges formed another dimension that is more intertwined with the political aspects, so that they collectively constitute challenges to achieving or reaching the goals. Political development.

Achieving political development in Iraq in its relative form came as a result of the presence of the factor of relative political stability first, and then the presence of the real will and transparency to achieve political development second.

Political development cannot be achieved unless there is political stability and cooperation between the segments of society with their various ideas and orientations. There is no development without security, and on the other hand, there is no political stability without political development.


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قائمة المصادر:

*المصادر باللغة العربية


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