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political science
political science
43 Items
political thought
political systems
public policies
international relations
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international organization
Foreign policy
Strategic studies
International Policies
International Studies
All Items
The American withdrawal from Afghanistan and its internal repercussions
أ.م.د.نادية فاضل عباس فضلي (Author)
Soft war and its impact on the stability of political systems
م.م. حاتم كريم عبد الستار (Author)
Russia's geopolitical predicament and the intellectual propositions of Alexander Dugin addressing it
أ.د سرمد عبد الستار أمين , حنين جاسم علي (Author)
Role of Ahmet Davutoğlu in Turkish foreign policy
ا. م. د. عماد رزيك عمر , م. م. محمد نوار حسين عبد (Author)
Political leadership and its impact on consensual democracy (Malaysia as an example)
م.م عبدالكريم قيس عبدالكريم (Author)
political development and its role in achieving political stability in Iraq after 2003
م.د هند محمود حميد , ا.م.د عبير سهام مهدي (Author)
Political alliances in Iraq and the problem of forming a government
أ.م.د. أسعد طارش عبد الرضا (Author)
Parliamentary system in IraqBetween constitutional texts and political consensus
م. د . عبدالغفور اسعد عبدالوهاب (Author)
Nuclear Powers in the Twenty First Century and the Dilemma of No First Use of Nuclear Weapons
أ.م.د عماد جاسم محمد (Author)
Non-State actors and their impact on international relation
م.د. ياسين هادي ثجيل (Author)
Intellectual Reading on Issues of Globalization and Liberalism at Neoconservatives: Administration of the Trump is a Sample
أستاذ مساعد دكتور خالد عبد الاله عبد الستار (Author)
Executive mechanisms regarding the Iraqi women's issues after 2003 (Vision for the future)
أ.م. د بشرى حسين صالح (Author)
Effectiveness of private military companiesin international political
م.م سمر مهدي جبار (Author)
Climate Change and Armed Conflict Address in International Humanitarian Law (Conflict in Darfur as a Model)
أ.د عبدالأمير عبدالحسن إبراهيم (Author)
Chinese strategic perception of Southeast Asia
أستاذ دكتور إبراهيم حردان مطر, الباحثة وصال هندي كاظم (Author)
Impact of Digital Media in Electoral Behavior
Poland as Case Study
م.م. سارة أديب رشيد (Author)
- The constitutional institutions activity in the mixed regime - a comparative study - between the constitution of France of 1958 and the permanent constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005
مدرس دكتور أزهر عبد الحسين عبد الله, م.م افنان عبد الحسين عبد الله (Author)
- Strategic challenges to Iraqi national security after 2023. Lecturer
مدرس دكتور يوسف راضي كاظم, مدرس مساعد عبد الجبار كريم عبد الأمير (Author)
26-43 of 43
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